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Year 2

Croeso i flwyddyn 2/3!


Welcome to the Year 2/3 Class Page


We are always very busy in Year 2! We work extremely hard and always try our best!


Pop in to our class and you will find us independently working on our 'Missions' and working with Mr H in our 'Bubbles'.


Important Information


Our topic for this term is 'Through my Window'.   

We will be learning about different map skills such as being able to read and follow a map. Different types of maps which will include using birds eye view maps. We will be using maps to identify and learn about the four countries in the UK.  We will be looking at our school and the local area, we will be going for walks and using maps of Plasmarl to navigate our way around. We will also learn how to conduct a debate and make it a balanced argument. We will have a go at planning a school trip and then writing to the Headteacher to ask to borrow money for the school trip.

In maths we will be focusing on number in shape and money. 

In our Literacy work, we will be practice SPAG skills. We will also be learning about the Discussion genre in the form of a debate.  


Reading Books

Reading is extremely important! Children will be expected to read 1/2 reading books per week. Books will be changed indefinite on a Friday but also throughout the week when required. Please try and read with your children as much as possible, even if it is 10 minutes every evening. 



PE takes place on a Wednesday! Please provide your child with PE kit and trainers for this day (these can remain in the school cloakroom for the term if you wish). Pupils will be working up a sweat during PE sessions, can you please ensure they have a drink specifically on this day. PE will be changing days when 'Wellie Wednesday' starts back up, this information will be passed onto parents in advance.


Class Dojo

We use 'Class Dojo' to communicate with parents. All information will be shared on the 'Class Story', please make every effort to acknowledge the information shared. My 'Quiet Hours' are 17:30pm - 7:30am. Any messages recieved during this window will be responded to the following morning.



Mr Hayward



Please take a look at what we are doing in class this term!

Useful Websites for 'Home Learning':


Sumdog-For Maths and Literacy games. Log in using your HWB login details

e.g. Username: JonesP232 Password: Mine3281 -


TtRockstars - For fast paced timetables practice. Each pupil will have a unique username and password to sign in with.


Read Write Inc.- Help your child learn their sounds (phonics) with YouTube video lessons.


Swansea Virtual School- useful resources, support and advice


Oxford Owl- sign up for free to access free eBooks that your child can read on screen


BBC Bitesize-  for lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you with home learning.




