Welcome to Nursery!
A Little About Us
Nursery is a milestone in a young child's life and a time that needs to be managed sensitively. At Plasmarl, we ensure that children in our care feel safe, happy and stimulated and are looked after in a caring and professional way.
We love learning in Nursery! Our year will include lots of exciting learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors.
Important information
Nursery Staff
Teacher - Miss C Smith
Support Staff - Mrs E Profka, Miss S Price, Mrs R Sinzieanu, Miss J Morgans
Nursery Hours
Mornings - 8:50am - 11:30am
Afternoons- 12:45pm - 3:20pm
Class Dojo and Twitter
Keep updated on Class Dojo to see photos of our learning and for important updates. This can be used to contact me too. As you can see above, X (Formerly known as Twitter) is also used to share our learning journey with you! Please follow us on @PlasmarlNursery.
Outdoor Learning
Come rain or shine, we love to play and learn outside! Ensure children are dressed appropriately for the weather. During winter months, the children will need a waterproof coat/clothing.
Snack Money
We kindly ask that £1.50 is brought in each Monday. We provide healthy snacks in school.
We ask that children are toilet trained before attending Nursery. If you are currently toilet training your child, please let us know and we can remind them to use the toilet in school. An intimate care plan must be signed before we are able to change your child in school.
Nursery's PE day to be confirmed. Children in Nursery are not expected to change their own clothes, so on PE days send your child into school wearing their PE kit (white t-shirt and black joggers/shorts).
Useful Websites
Swansea Virtual School - useful resources, support and advice.
Oxford Owl - sign up for free access to eBooks that you can read to your child on screen.
CBeebies Games -
Topmarks - fun maths and English online learning games.
Phonics Play - online games to support children's phonic skills.