Welcome to the Year 1 page!
We are very busy in Year 1. We have lots of fun learning through focused and play activities (bubbles and missions).
To keep up to date with what we are doing in class, simply follow us on @Plasmarlyear1
Our topic for this term is 'Same but Different'. In this topic we will be looking at similarities and differences between ourselves and our friends and celebrating these differences. We will be reading many empathy books around this topic.
In Maths we will be focusing on place value with numbers up to 20, having a greater and deeper understanding of numbers. We will also be focusing on problem solving and reasoning skills.
In English, we will be practicing letter formation using the cursive style. We will be focusing on using captial letters and full stops in our sentences. We will look closely at character description which will link in with our theme.
Important Information
Reading books
Reading books will need to be in on a Monday. It is important children read to an adult every night for 5 - 10 minutes.
PE is on a Monday. Children will need to bring in a PE kit to school (t-shirt, joggers / leggins / shorts)
Outdoor Learning
Please ensure that your child bring a coat to school everyday as we will be using the outdoor learning environment.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo regularly. Please ensure you check dojo on a regualr basis for school updates and information.
Here are some useful websites you can use at home.
Oxford Owl - sign up for free access to eBooks that your child can read on screen.
BBC Bitesize - for lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you with home learning.
Topmarks - fun maths and English online learning games.
Phonics Play - online games to support children's phonic skills.