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Year 3/4

Flwyddyn 3 a 4


Year 3 and 4



Hello and a very warm welcome to Year 3/4. We are looking forward to another fantastic year in Year 3/4. Mr Matthews and Miss Mabbett teach in Year 3/4 with Mrs Coles.  


To keep up to date with what we are doing in class, simply click on the Twitter feed above or follow us on @PlasYear3and4.


Important Information


This term in our class we are focusing on the Humanities AoLE with our new topic 'Through my window'. Throughout this topic we will be looking at our local area aswell as other places within Swansea and South Wales. We will pay particular attention to our mapping skills in this topic, identifying the key features of a map and locating places of significance to us. Throughout our topic we will also look at diversity within Plasmarl and how it is important to consider the different backgrounds that our friends in school may come from. 


Reading - It is very important that the children read as often as possible at home and in school. We ask that pupils take care of their books and reading records, returning them to school on a Friday so that they can be changed before the weekend.


Spelling and Times Tables - Spellings and Times Tables will be given out every Friday, and the children will be expected to practise these words at home. They will have a test of these words the following Friday morning.


P.E. lessons will take place on a Thursday afternoon, and it is important that the children wear appropriate footwear and clothing.


Music Lessons- This year, the children will learn how to play different instruments with a focus on Samba music! This will be done with an external teacher and the pupils will enjoy this new experience.  


Many Thanks

Mr Matthews and Miss Mabbett

Below is the plan of what we will be learning in Year 3/4 this term

Useful websites for 'Home Learning'


Sumdog- Mathematics and Literacy games

 (use your hwb log in and password e.g JonesA1   Password: Plot1232


Swansea Virtual School- Useful resources to support learning


Oxford Owl- Sign up to free ebooks


BBC bitesize- for lessons full of videos and quizzes



To keep up to date with what we are doing in class, simply click on the Twitter feed above or follow us on @PlasYear3and4
