Early Help Hub EHH |
A good place to start. A one-stop-shop, providing free, impartial information on childcare, grants, family support, disability services and other areas.
01792 635400
Abertawe Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service (AADAS) |
Central assessment unit for anyone wanting support with alcohol and drug problems.
01792 530719 abm.aadas@wales@nhs.uk |
Carers Centre |
Welfare benefit advice, access to grants and special funds, a counselling service, respite care, volunteering opportunities, carers' support groups, training, social events.
01792 653344 admin@swanseacarerscentre.org.uk |
Citizens Advice Bureau |
Advice on benefits, work, debt and money, housing, law and courts, immigration and health issues.
03444 772020 (National line) 01792 474882 (Swansea) help@citizensadvicesnpt.org.uk |
Domestic Abuse Helpline |
Families experiencing domestic abuse or escalating relationship problems.
01792 562888 Facebook: https://en-gb.facebook.com/swanseaoss |
Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST) |
Support for Black Minority ethnic children(aged 11-25) and their families in a one to one on a variety of issues from behaviour to education.
01792 466980 info@eyst.org.uk |