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Home Page

Year 6

Croeso i Flwyddyn 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page

Year 6- Caring, Learning and Achieving Together!


Important Information


Our topic for the Autumn term is called 'The World in our Hands'. This is a topic with a Humanities focus. We will be learning about current issues, including global warming, deforestation and coral bleaching. We will learn about sustainability and what it means to be a good citizen of the World.


In Literacy, we will be focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar. We will also be studying Reading Behaviours, using a book called Hidden Figures as a stimulus. We will also be looking at a book called Malala’s Magic Pencil about the life of Malala Yousafzai. The book covers these themes of equality and the right to an education.

In our Numeracy work this term, we will be concentrating on number and measure. This will include: ratio, algebra, fractions, decimals and percentages and area, perimeter and volume. 


Pupils will need Wellies and a waterproof coat for outdoor learning. This will take place every other Wednesday afternoon (starting 4/10/24). 


It is very important that the children read as often as possible at home and in school. 


Spelling words and times tables will be given out every Friday, and the children will be tested on these on the following Friday.


PE and Games will be on Friday afternoon. Pupils need to bring their PE kits and suitable footwear into school on that day. This includes school t-shirt, school jumper, navy or black joggers/leggings and trainers. 



Useful websites for 'Home Learning'


Sumdog- Mathematics and Literacy games

 (use your hwb log in and password e.g JonesA1   Password: Plot1232


TTRockstars- Times tables games

 (use your hwb log in and password e.g JonesA1   Password: Plot1232


Swansea Virtual School- Useful resources to support learning


Oxford Owl- Sign up to free ebooks


BBC bitesize- for lessons full of videos and quizzes



