Here at Plasmarl Primary, we are a welcoming, kind and inclusive school.
We have an open door policy, so please call in and see us.
We believe that well-being is for the whole family, happy parents = happy children!
We also have close links to outside agencies, making us a proactive school, which means we are able to access help and support, as and when you may need it.
We pride ourselves on being a mentally healthy school for all and we are currently working towards gaining the Trauma Informed School award.
Mrs Helen Davies is the school's Well-being and Trauma Practitioner for the school. So if there is any help or advice you need, then please do give her a call on the school's telephone number - 01792 798210 0r 07784433012. Email -
Mrs Helen Davies works Monday to Thursday 8.50am - 16.00 pm.
All appointments are private and confidential - handled with respect and without judgement.