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Year 4/5

Welcome to the Year 4 and 5 Class Page.


Hello and a very warm welcome to Plasmarl Primary School!  We are very excited for the year ahead in our class. 


There is always lots going on here, we have busy days packed full of hard work and fun with Mrs Sadler and Miss Robini. This term our topic is 'Through Our Window', exploring the world outside our window. In literacy and languages we will be looking at persuasion texts, to help us write a persuasive brochure advertising a trip to The Big Pit. In maths and numeracy we are focusing on multiplication and division. We will be learning different ways to multiply and divide, exploring factors, multiples and prime/square numbers. In Health and Wellbeing we are reading 'Ella on the Outside' by Cath Howe to spark conversations around identity, emotions and empathy. 


To keep up to date with what we are doing in class, simply click on the Twitter feed above or follow us on @PlasYear4and5.



Important Information


It is very important that the children read as often as possible at home and in school. Therefore it is vital that all children bring their reading books and records every day!!


Spelling words and times tables will be given out every Friday, and the children will be expected to practise these at home. They will have a test of these words and the times tables the following Friday morning.


P.E. lessons will take place on a Friday, and it is important that the children bring appropriate footwear and clothing to change in to in school. 



Useful Websites for 'Home Learning' :- 


Sumdog-For Maths and Literacy games. Log in using your HWB login details e.g. Username: JonesP232 Password: Mine3281 -


Swansea Virtual School- useful resources, support and advice


Oxford Owl- sign up for free to access free eBooks that your child can read on screen


BBC Bitesize-  for lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you with home learning.


