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Schools - New Welsh Empathy Education Project

Our cluster is embarking on a new Empathy Explorers programme to help the children develop their empathy skills. The programme is led by Empathy Lab, the first organisation to build children’s empathy, literacy and social activism through the use of high quality literature. Its strategy builds on new scientific evidence showing the power of reading to build real-life empathy skills.; @EmpathyLab.UK  

The work has been made possible by a Future Ready Fund grant to Empathy Lab from Nesta, the innovation foundation The grant will help Empathy Lab introduce its programme to our 8 cluster schools working in partnership with ERW.

Empathy Lab will work with each school to create a bespoke plan to deliver the project, against the backdrop of the new Welsh Curriculum and in particular the Health and Well-Being AoLE. Students will learn about the meaning and science of empathy, and through year round lessons develop a deeper understanding of other people, through the creative use of literature and social action work.
